How to Choose Your Marriage Partner.
Welcome to The Christian Marriage Help section of our faith journey and ministry inspirational page! In this section, I will be focusing on a series of topics relating to Christian Singles who are preparing to search for their future partners.
The purpose of the christian marriage section is, through the series of Christian Singles Talk, to discuss key biblical principles that will guide and point Christian singles toward searching for the flesh and the bones of their own kind.
The reason I started this series of articles is because many young Christians singles are falling in love and getting married outside the will of God for their lives.
Read through the whole article and leave your comment at the end of the page.
The Flesh and Bones of Your Own Kinds
So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh.
Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
Genesis 2:21, 22.
The Scriptural accounts of God forming woman out from man signifies that every individual woman and man is uniquely and carefully formed for a special bond with a unique kind of flesh and bones. God made her out from his flesh and bone and took her to the man.
The Story of Isaac: How Did Isaac Found a Wife?
Let me quickly retell the story of how Isaac found his God’s chosen wife, Rebecca. Remember Isaac didn’t use any of those online Christian dating site or social medias that is very common today.
Isaac used a servant of his father Abraham. The servant knew nothing about who Isaac’s wife to be. God used the servant in honor of the faith that Isaac’s father Abraham had, and He showed the right woman for Isaac.
About Isaac.
Isaac was the son of Abraham and Sarah, promised by God and born to them late in life. When Isaac was about 40 years of age, his father Abraham commanded his most dependable servant to search out and find his son a wife from a good family that would join him in devotion to God.
Abraham didn’t ask his servant to ask any good looking pretty young women on the street. But he gave specific direction to lookout for Isaac’s wife from his nephew Bethuel’s family.
It is wise and acceptable to search for your future partner in the house of the Lord.
The Faith Journey of Abraham’s Servant.
The servant traveled to a town called Nahor and stopped by a well to pray, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today and show kindness to my master Abraham. See, I am standing beside this spring and the daughters of the towns people are coming out to draw water.
May it be that when I say to a young woman, ‘please let down your jar that I may have a drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels too’-let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. By this, I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.”
Representing Abraham, the servant made specific requests to God to be 100% sure that the woman is God’s chosen wife of Isaac.
Have you made a specific prayer of request to God asking Him about your unknown bones and flesh of your own kinds? What are your plans? Are you on your way to meet him or her?
As the servant was praying, a woman named Rebekah approached the well. She was very beautiful and from a good family. The servant requested to her, “Please give me water from your jar.”
Rebekah not only gave him water to drink, she also drew water for his camels. The servant observed her and saw that the Lord had delivered his prayer and he praised the Lord.
Are you learning anything here? The answer was immediate, and it was demonstrated as requested. The servant didn’t give a second thought to do a confirmation check. He was 100% sure the Lord has delivered so he rejoiced and thanked God.
Your doubt and fear can become a barrier to seeing and experiencing what God is allowing. Faith and confidence in God is the key to overcoming fear and doubt.
The servant then, went to her family and told them the story, asking if Rebekah would join him. Rebekah agreed and her family said, “This is from the Lord; take her and go, and let her become the wife of your master’s son as the Lord has directed.”
Genesis tells us that Rebekah went with the servant and she married Isaac and he loved her greatly and she comforted him. This is the story of a son, whose father who had unmovable faith in God that the Lord will deliver his son a wife.
In the same manner, our faith and trust and dependability in God will lead us to success of finding our partner or every other things that we pursue in life.
If you are a single young man or a woman and want to make a fresh start with God today to journey to meet the flesh and bones of your own kind, I encourage you to consider carefully the following application. In my next article, I will explain in details.
- Faith! Have faith in God is the fundamental.
- Wait! How long have you been waiting? Have past 40 yet? Remember, there is time for everything. God bless u who patient and faithful. Isaac was 40 then. Are you there yet?
- Prayer! God is your Father. He knows your inside out and understands you way much better than anyone else or yourself do. Make your requests to Him specific and clear. Being a child of God, you must talk and act like one. Be mindful that God sees the thoughts of your heart.
- Seek and you shall find! You may not be like Isaac or his father or the servant. But the same principles can apply to your life. It may be in your local church or at the college. It may be at your work place of in your ministry, or it may be in another ways that you never thought about, or it may be online.
- Confirmation! Don’t look beyond when the Lord confirms your request.
- Know the Family & Christian Community! Confirmation leads to approval and consent extended relationships.
- Make a Move! Take a step of faith by making a move to unknown environment and make it known to you and know that your move is in the will of God.

Do not search for your partners at the shopping mall, at the market place, or on the beach or at night clubs or any other related places. You will only end up choosing the rotten eggs. I encourage you to focus your search within and around with the Christian Community, which you are part. Free Christian online dating sites and other social media dating should be your last option.
Paul M