It was on this date, 05 October 2017, I first met you in the nursery room. You were innocently sleeping peacefully as if you were still dreaming and enjoying inside the comfort of your mother’s womb.
You stole all my love away and left me empty at the first sight. And you filled me up with a brand new experience of the father’s love.
On this day, every new year, we will always celebrate your happy birthday. Know that I will always celebrate ‘a happy father’s day to myself’.
The world may celebrate someone else father’s day and ‘mother’s day’, but your mother and I will always celebrate on your birth.
It was on a Thursday morning. We were new to Thailand and didn’t know much about the people, places and how systems work.
We are grateful to God for our Thai Christian family friend who were always available to help when we need. Our friends dropped your mom and I at the Chiang Mai Mother and Child Hospital.
You were due in two to three weeks and we were expecting your arrival. Today was supposed to be another antenatal checkup of your mother leading up to final checkup and your birth.
We didn’t go to the hospital that morning prepared, knowing that it would be just a check and to return home.
The doctor was very friendly and welcome us into his room. Your mother was lying on the bed. The doctor proceeded and did the ultrasound with an ultrasound scanning device. He called me by his side and showed me what appeared on the screen and was explaining to me your appearances and your position inside your Mother’s womb. It was a fun and exciting moment.
The Doctor went on informing us that you were a girl. Your mother and I were so excited and were looking forward to your arrival in a two or three weeks time. The room was filled with smiles and happiness because the doctor tried to explain everything in detail in English, which we able to understand.
Then, the doctor proceeded to checking the blood pressure. This was not a first time he checked the blood pressure of your mother. The doctor checked in the previous checkups. It has been normal.
However, today was different. Doctor was alarmed at the reading of your mother’s systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. The reading was alarmingly above 150 mm Hg (systolic blood pressure) and over 100 mm Hg (diastolic blood pressure).
Doctor wasn’t expecting the result of the blood pressure to reach that alarming mark. We weren’t expecting that either.
In a very serious manner, doctor began to explain and informed us the level of risks you and your mother were in. He told us that if we decide to return home today, the possible risks would be, both you and your mother are at the risk of loosing your lives. We were shocked when we heard the doctor.
Then the doctor told us directly that he wouldn’t let us go back home today. The only option available, he elaborated that, it is to save the lives of both your mother and you. We agreed for your mother to go through caesarean in order to save both of your lives. (TO BE CONTINUED…)
Today you are growing up to be a beautiful, strong, and a healthy 5 year old girl. Looking at you everyday by our sides keep reminding us of God’s wonderous love and miracles throughout our journey pasts. You have brought joy and an inseparable bond of love in to our lives that will live on into eternity. You were born to grow and to live and explore the breadth and length of God’s Majestic creation of this World. But to your Mommy and to your Daddy, you always remains our princess baby girl.
05 October 2017