MY food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work. John 4:35
Ms. Nganchu Phom is from Yachem Baptist Church was commissioned during the NBCC Annual held at Yangli in 2010 as a full time missionary and joined the ministry in April 2011.
To all brethren in Christ Jesus, and particularly those churches and individuals who have shared in our endeavors to reach the unreached people all over the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through love offering support in prayers. Thanks and greetings in His Mighty name.
Before I joined the ministry as full time missionary I was in the teaching ministry right after my graduation. I was working as a teacher, and warden (house mother) in United Christian Higher Secondary School, Naganimora in 2008. When I was still in the teaching ministry I was called to be a full time missionary. Therefore, I resigned from my teaching ministry and decided to go for cross cultural missionary training at North East Centre of Training and Research (NECTAR) Aug-Nov 2009, also Teaching English to the Speaker of Other Language (TESOL) January-March 2010.
Ministry in Thailand: Words are not enough to start writing His blessing upon my life as I took the new journey with Him into His field.
It’s been 5 years to be in His vineyard and I consider it a great joy to walk with Him. There were times where I met trouble, there were times where I felt discouraged but He has been doing so many miracles in my life.
I find more joy and happiness to serve Him. I heard the calling of Jesus when I was 12. From the day I committed my life to Christ, God has been a great source in my life. I started praying to God for African, “God if it is your will send me to Africa to serve you there,” but God has a different plan for me and He opened the door for me to Thailand to serve with the Hmong people.
Hmong people in Thailand, their beliefs are influenced by the Chinese. They worship their ancestors, nature spirits and a led by a shaman. Altars are found in every Hmong home. They are typically located at high altitude.
I served with Hmong churches where we established 3 churches in northern part of Thailand. We opened a hostel particularly for the children from the remote villages where there is no proper education center.
We allowed children to stay with us only after the parent had pledge with us to abide with the doctrines and the teaching that we teach them.
We organized children camp, bible camp etc, and we teach the children how to pray and read the word of God and sing praises unto Him.
Every Saturday we had to walk to the mountain side to have fellowship with the few believers in the village because they don’t have pastor to share the gospel on Sunday.
They have not experienced worshipping God in the church building like us in our place most of the places we have home church where 2 or 3 families gather.
We also organize a day for baptism when children make decision to walk with the Holy Spirit and their relationship with Christ Jesus.
Some were tortured, some were rejected from the family, some were beaten up because of their decision to follow Christ and to walk with Him.
Today many young people accepted the Lord as their personal Savior. Some are married and working in different fields and some are still in different universities.
Some are in Theological Colleges, through the children we had an opportunity to met their parents and share the gospel.
Before joining my ministry in 2011, I was working and helping the International office of The Bible League Thailand for 6 months.
The Bible League Thailand Is the Christian service organization, it serves local churches and other Christian organization around the country by providing bibles, scripture materials for them to use in their ministry to help people meet Jesus Christ.
It is working actively almost 30 years by focusing on where the need is greatest providing the bible and scriptural resources at no cost. They serve churches and partners who are reaching out the poorest of the poor, Christian who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ and those Christians who are living Buddhist enemies and Islamic society around Thailand, helping the people of the country and seeking to know Jesus who cannot afford to buy in their own.
Bringing them to home church for bible study and providing the bible in their own dialects. It was a great challenged for me to see different faith accepting Christ as their personal savior for the first time, every day we sent out the bible and the materials to different states, provinces in Thailand where there is in need of God’s word.
I worked in Thailand for 3 years (2011-2013) through the sponsorship of Yachem Baptist Church partnership with Nagaland Missions Movement.
It was a great blessing yet a challenge for me to reach out to the unreached as Jesus commanded in Matt 28:19, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Ministry in India: Isaiah says in Isaiah 6:8, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, ”Here am I. Send me!” God has arranged another plan for me.
In January 2014, I joined with Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) as a missionary to EFI from Nagaland Missions Movement (NMM) based in Guwahati, Assam.
The Evangelical fellowship of India is a National representative voice, articulating biblical values, training it’s partnering members, addressing issues, an advocating for the poor and marginalized, Evangelical churches, institutions and individuals effectively witnessing the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed, and transforming nation.
We also have Christian Education department of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. The aim of the CEEFI is to help churches to discipline their members with good curriculum for all ages-children, youth and adults.
Many of them have benefited from Christian education materials produced by CEEFI. The goal of CEEFI is to lead the people to Christ and help them grow as good disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may serve the church of God by using their gifts and abilities.
I involve both EFI and CEEFI ministry going all around the corner of India where the gospel is needed. The nature of my work is seminar for youth, women and children, vacation bible School (VBS) which CEEFI curriculum called it Holiday Bible School (HBS), school ministry, Sunday School Teachers Training, church ministry etc.
God has been leading me to such ministry especially in different associations and the organizations in North East part of India.
I am so encouraged to see many young people, women and children are excited to accept the Lord as their personal Savior.
Many young people confessed their hidden sin and committed their lives to God, some of the churches, and the associations that I have visited in 2015;
- Amri Karbi Baptist Kachikruk Ason: Children Program under the Theme: Children in Mission and Sunday School Teachers Training in different occasion in different churches organized by the AKBKA.
- Zeme Baptist Association Nzong town: Holiday Bible School (HBS) and the guest speaker on Father’s day program.
- Vacation Bible School (VBS) Liangmai Baptist Church Jalukie Town
- Speaker, Yachem Theophilous meeting.
- Summer Camp, Baptist High School Tening Sponsored by Liangmai Baptist Association
- School ministry and Holiday Bible School (HBS) in Mechukha, West Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh
- Sunday School Teachers Training and the guest speaker on mother’s day, Galo Baptist Church Council, Arunachal Pradesh
- Print Journalism and Advocacy. Delhi.
- New man, new woman, new life at Karghuli, Guwhati Assam
- APCRCCD’s State Level Training of the Trainers program for Christian Educators and Sunday School Teachers: Naharlagun. Arunachal Pradesh.
- Sunday School Teachers Training. Nyishi Baptist Church Council(NBCC), Naharlagun, Arunachal Pradesh.
Therefore, as I continue my ministry I request one and all to pray for me and the ministry that I am involving wherever it may be.
I recently returned from visiting some of the associations and the churches and I must say that since returning my life from ministry has not been quite the same.
The vision and the goals of my ministry have suddenly changed. The Lord definitely did something to my heart on the trip. Besides showing me how small my vision had been. He began to give me a big burden to see the ranks of His army in the field swell.
One of the greatest things God opened my eyes was how backward is my own country in terms of evangelism while the rest of the world being tremendously evangelized.
As I traveled from place to place, state to state I thought of the thousands of people I was passing through who needed to have the gospel of Jesus shown to them in a real way-and yet there was hardly any one there to reach them.
As I visited each one in the church, mission field I spoke with different people in the church and picked up various pieces of literature that told the story of what was being done in different parts of the region to expand the Kingdom of God. I was shocked I really had never known how little the need was being me?!!
The result of my visit in every parts of India and also the burning desire in my heart to see many young people from our own association, churches release to the mission field over the next five or ten years.
Because Jesus has told us to go to all Nation and preach the gospel to all creation, with the word Jesus made it clear exactly what His disciples were to do.
They were to spread His teachings in His name, preaching salvation unto the ends of the earth (Rom.10:18).
We should go because the need is so great, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. May the Lord be with us now and forevermore, Amen.
Ms. Nganchu Phom.
North East Centre
K.B road, near old wholesale fish market
Guwahti, ‘08’ Assam,India