Every Sunday afternoon we accompany our Thai family friend, Maria and Winai Terkeesa to Sarafi District of Chiang Mai where we would pray for the sick people, sing and share God’s Word with them.
This is a new ministry place started by brother Winai and his wife Maria Jiraphan and they have invited Mondos missionary family to join them and to do ministry together to reach out to unbelievers there.
Brother Winai’s dream is to plant a new church there and he is now looking for any possible site or building that God would show him and leading him to start full time church.
Last Sunday, 06 Sept 20, during our visitation and house to house evangelism, by the grace of God, a woman accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ, which was shared to her and gave her life to the Lord Jesus Christ. We prayed together and invited her to join our Sunday afternoon fellowship.
That Sunday, Arjan Lydia and Arjan Kim joined our evangelism team. We’ve driven and walked different streets, visiting houses and asking people at their homes if they would like to learn about Jesus Christ. At one house a man was shouting and saying that his family has no time to go to church, they are going to the temple.
Then we came to a mother and her son and they welcome us so we spend sometime praying and sharing about Jesus Christ. Since it was their first time they did not fully understand what was shared but their faces glowed and they’ve accepted to believe in the new God we introduced to them. We prayed with them.
Then we walked to a junction where Winai is currently searching for a land around that section. So he briefed us about it and we all prayed together believing the divine provision of God for a land to be made available for new church planting there. We dispersed from there and returned home.
Please pray for brother Winai Terkeesa and Maria Jiraphan as they are planning to plant a new church in the Sarapi District of Chiangmai Province. Pray that a land will be made available and funds will be available on time to begin a new church there.
Please share your prayer needs in the comment section below so that we can also keep you in our prayers.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. God bless you all.
Paul reporting from Chiang Mai.